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No because non-bastard mechanics don’t drastically inconvenience you

That’s very clearly a bad-faith reading :stuck_out_tongue:

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So… “bastard is whatever mechanics I don’t like”?

That is also decidedly not what I said, although I will admit that different people draw the line at slightly different places

There is, however, general consensus, which is what I’m using here

For example, a decent amount of people consider frames to be bastard

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orange’s definition could be technically correct but it’s almost completely useless
bastard games and regular games have a completely different feel
in terms of basic mechanics one could describe ToL as bastard, because conversion is at best VERY borderline on the bastard front
but it dosen’t behave like a bastard game


Okay so

People who haven’t played FoL before would probably call it bastard because most cults on other sites are either very swingy and unbalanced or most of the players have no idea how to deal with them

ToL and FoL is nice because it nicely balanced cults so they actually kinda work.

I would really call it bastard per se because the way everyone is used to playing with a recruiting faction and the way the game is balanced around makes it playable.

look we need to movebeyond our traditional definition of bastard

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I don’t entirely agree with this statement, and “feel” is, as I’m sure you’ll agree, significantly less definable than what mechanics actually do

But you also aren’t entirely wrong


It’s just a word, it has a meaning, that’s fine

On mafiascum.net, several Queue threads require a game with any of the mechanics in the list below to be labelled as “bastard”:

mid-game alignment changes
moderator lies that cannot be reasonably anticipated (for example, Godfather, Tailor, Miller, Ninja, and mechanics like that are generally fine, but telling someone they are a Reflexive Doctor when they’re actually a Paranoid Gun Owner is not)
secret win conditions
un-divulged non-randomness in player role/alignment generation
direct moderator influence during the game

quick google search

i don’t think “bastard” has a strict definition but you, coming from ToL/FoL, definitely view the term differently than people coming from other forms of FM

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also lol


Like, imagine you have a game full of people who have never played a cult game, and suddenly one of their alignments change to scum in the middle of the game.

Would you like that?



Well FoL/ToL tells you from begin on that there are exactly these mechanics in game ^^

So yeah deffo bastard by MS standards

Also bastard by a more general set of standards

Wisp would probably die before he touched this lmao

Exactly, which is why I’m this case it isn’t terrible

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Okay but knowledge is irrelevant to this type of bastard classification

It depends on perspective here tbh we could argue about if it was bastard for hours and not get anywhere

Oh it was a response to sulit’s non-thing

nobody is telling you that FoL is bastard because of that

they’re saying that, in other forums, conversion is seen as bastard

and even though i’ve literally never played FM outside of this forum i see the argument

it’s not inherently a bad thing

here, it’s what we’re used to and what we’re here for

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I mean, it just is, by literally any reading of the definition of the word

But that isn’t inherently bad lol