54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

like i’m a big fan of unconventional rands that mean you have to change how you play to adapt to your seemingly counterintuitive role, and then not fuck with that player further.


What strategy games do you play?

I’ve not even watched any other social game, like tos or anything
It’s just ToL.
And outside of ToL and this forum I don’t play any multiplayer game.
I play mostly either classic roleplaying games like Baldurs Gate
Or strategic games like Age of Empires

Basically same (barring Rainbow Six: Siege) which is why I’m asking lmao

Haven’t played Age of Empires but Baldur’s Gate is something that’s passively on my “probably play someday” list

My favorite one was Age of Mythology and Settlers 3

So yea, maybe you now understand why I don’t have ANY kind of social deduction background, and a lot of ToL players have not either, at best they have played tos…
I don’t think there are many FM players who play ToL

look my big thing on bastard is that you should never make a role that has only one correct way to use

This forum is mostly FM people who play ToL

*who don’t play ToL

Playing something less than you is not not playing it


i used to but realized i’d been corrupted by playing excusively on the forums for so long that i’m incapable of playing turbos now

It’s the timer???

just git gud ici

there aren’t that many players who have played this game more often than I

i’m better at hosting than i am at playing and i’m a bad host

We tested log removal in EFoL 3 and did not find it to be a popular change

However, as a compromise solution, the maximum length was capped at 1000 characters

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Both of those ideas are only partially true and mostly false :thinking:




that’s actually kinda funny