54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I’ve been here since 5 and you weren’t telling me to go to bed lol

but why

And blocked :slight_smile:

You’re usually up early Arete never pops up till like 11

I’m not a stalker I’m not a stalker

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n o

and when do I sleep?

Cuz you have no arguments :smile:

What even is Revenant?

It would need changes

But it could work

A god

No idea tbh

the worst thing ever created

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You don’t wanna know

A class above all other classes

yea cause i hate your guts o hope you fall asleep at the wheel and die in a car crash


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That was called Lich

It turns out that unlynchable scum are still bad


thank you voice in sulit’s head

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You do that for me too

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