54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

welcome back

Unless they forget the salt

Click the Bubble right next to bold after replying to the specific post if you want to know what it says. I had to post this even if I’m not going to partipcate in the site because it’s funny lol

Edit:rushed when writing this as I was at a store

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Apple pie / apple tart.


I have literally managed to burn toast although in fairness it wasn’t my fault


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I don’t like apple pie.

Or just ask your fellow mod to translate for you :stuck_out_tongue:

I can already imagine arete with an “oh shit” reaction when the toaster gives off a burnt smell

When I was visiting PKR for a week, I noticed how kuch of preprepared food you guys use abroad.

Like mac n cheeae you mentioned.

Noone does that in Poland.
I actually have a local farmer deliver me cheese/milk/eggs/potatoes every weak.

Much cheaper AND fresh.

or not


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where I live we have farmers but they like a 30 minute drive, so gas for back and forth plus the food itself prob cheaper to hit Walmart

throws pokeball at litten

surely this will make him stay

I find it funny because I used to troll marluxion when they didn’t know other people could read it. I only told others after a while, I still find it funny how some people don’t know it’s possible

There’s a thread with a whole bunch of those posts oeople thought were “hidden”

/Deflect Pokeball
Because lol

They avtually deliver it, no need to drive.

They still earn more than if they sold it to supermarkets this way and I get a fresh and cheap supply of food.

Btw the Detective Pikachu movie is on Netflix now, i checked a few days ago

cancels subscription

Detective pikachu sucks.
