54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


-ban katto leave

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Seriously only 50 cents

Yeah, that’s normal bread price here, like… really.


My neighborhood bakery


I am paying 5,250 CA loaves

we pay in alligator scales

Those are too easy to find in Florida tho - inflation

@eevee-sama how many alligator scales for a loaf of bread

That’s like… 32 zł, wtf.


Like compare this prices.

Why did I read Chleb and think it was my name

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hi chelb

Chleb = Bread

Also thats an insane difference. Really puts it into perspective how expensive living is around here, and how inexpensive it is there

Priestess of Low and her two daughters, catsay and Bread



That’s why I’m saying, come here. Study here.

Start your future life with 10 times less student debts.

I might actually look into that

its not catsay reeeeeeeeeeee

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