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I accidentally drank 5 hour energy instead of water like an hour ago so I’m hyperactive

I’m temporary help



Why does polish goverment pay unemployed people?

Fuck me if I know this.

Wait no


thats also 99% unreliable

It can stop one from ending on the streets, but i’m guessing the program is taken advantage of regularly.

to be fair it’s likely side effects of other things im diagnosed with

but the end result is about the same

but you are right

Had 5 hour energy bottle filled with water

Was making a show of dumbly drinking 5 hour energy to my freinds

Drank the water and acted like it was 5 hour
Wrong bottle

So had a big gulp

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slow clap

irl RT gone wrong

and I didn’t even grab the flavor I liked and grabbed the wrong one

So it tastes shittier then usual too

No, bad marshal

reaches for spray bottle

Problem is I take medicine

Which is fine, it helps me focus during the day. However when it starts to wear off, its basically a lot worse.

My legs start to want to walk on there own, like there’s energy coursing through them. Then, I feel the need to try to get stuff done that I didn’t previously care about. Trying to clean my room, walking trash bags to the dumpster.

Which is perfectly fine, however then I feel overwhelmed for god knows what reason when I try to do it and then I start to sit down and then my legs start to course again and then the cycle ccknfiunes viciously

When I take mine it usually doesn’t wear off till around when I go to sleep and then I’m tired

Have you tried doing something really repetitive like origami

like when I don’t fake my medicine I’m a little more active throughout the course of the day and my energy crashes nearing bed time

but like


It’s my LEGS not my arms

like my legs are literally vibrating it feels like

but internally

best I can describe it

That rarely happens to me I usually just have an extremely urge to mess with something with my hands