54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I know which vending machine works during school

we just gotta be sneaky

The box mix is Jura’s crema mixed with indian cherry AAA.

The white packages are ordered from local coffee bakery in Poland, one is almond flavored, second is citrus flavored.

The black packages are on the right: standard brazilian coffeee, baked in british style, on the left austria style coffee which is meant to drink with milk, based on honduras SHB Esta Lenca.

imagine having vending machines in high school

back in my day we brought a pestle and mortar to grind up our own cocoa beans


As I said… coffee <3

Oh, I lied.

Apparently brazilian arabica is nit standard, but rather with hint of chocolate.

I also have a total of 18 types of tea.

Well 17 now.

My friend drunk last of apple-cinnamon-honey flavored one today.

I know I might just have too much of a choice, lmao.
But really, if you have everything cheap enough, you can just let yourself have a choice.

Tho 18 tea types might still be an overkill.
Tho I love confussing my friends with just throwing a tea set with 18 tea types and let them decide.

Each of them seem to have own favorite type by now tho.

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I seem to prefer to cocoa type of tea

@katze happy 12th bday dork

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ok zoomer

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I was bored so I read through FoL 1

it’s a pretty good meme

featuring such things as the Mastermind claiming Paladin in jail N1, the Fool outing themself as Fool during a massclaim and being confirmed based on the number of neut spawns, and the Assassin foraging for nightshade for 5 or 6 consecutive nights and never poisoning anyone

link it

also, speaking of FoL, did fol24/25 not have a dead chat? i couldn’t find them :eyes:

i’ll invite u to 25 if its not public but i think they both public


oh sweet jesus

I can’t find the link to 24

can you double-check if it’s public and invite me if not

don’t think i was ever in it

game ended when marshal died so that makes sense

Was that or FoL2 the Reaper game

Fuck that, that was god awful