54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I vote in favor!

Wait, I have a better version.

The Fool :fire: :crossed_swords:

Neutral Social
Poor Fellow (Passive) - If Fool is executed, then all those who voted to execute them will lose 1 charge from all limited-use abilities. In addition, there can be no trials the next day. If executed before Day 3, there can be no trials for 2 days.
Hide (Night) - Grants deathimmunity by hiding from attackers. (2 uses)
Deceive (Night) - Make yourself appear framed tonight. (2 uses)
Convince the others that you are guilty of treason, and get them to execute you in daylight.

That’s not how FoL class cards work, Arete

I was going for ‘guaranteed Fool’ (as a joke, to be abundantly clear)

That symbol doesn’t mean guaranteed. All Cult converts have it too, also all possible starting kings

(Totally didn’t accidentally like instead of clicking the reply button.)

Okay but all BD classes can also spawn at start, they don’t just spontaneously appear on D3

Clearly it has something to do with guaranteedness (since a Cult game will always have a Second Cultist)

can we just change the class list to 18 fools

who’s kai

its a typo for kat

I don’t know, they must suck

No, then the game ends instantly, dumb kat.

thats okay

it means all the neutrals lose

that’s good


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the symbols are inconsistent anyways

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Current food status of eevee’s place:

23 packages of pasta 500g each.
7 packages of rice, 500g each.
5 packages of groats, 500g each.
2kg of potatoes.
Around 5kg of frozen meat (or even more as I’m not counting sausages)
Around 3 kg of frozen fish
9 kg of flour
72 eggs
5.5 kg of frozen vegetables
2 kg of frozen fruits
5 kg of frozen mushrooms
3 kg of oat ceareals
4 kg of coffee
17 boxes of tea
52 bottles and 37 jars of different home-made juices / sauces.

And not a single loaf of bread.

What tf was I thinking when I was shopping.

You need bread it is required in all households

tl;dr - 2 full freezers, 80% full pantry and nothign to eat in the evening.

Wtf is this.

Altho at least I’m semi fine if end of the world came rn.

I even have some active carbon which I use for water filtering, so that wouldn’t be a problem.

Also fun fact for those of you who didn’t know:

If you use some butter or other oil on the eggs, it blocks the oxygen from entering it, making it spoil way slower than normally.

Like, you can eat 1-year old eggs easily if you did it to preserve it.