54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

This reminds me of when Alice and Litten has the same PFP.

I’m a hedgehog now.

(Help I can’t take myself seriously with this pfp.)

From “Jane the Mentalist”
to “Jane the Hedgehog”

Hail already took my ferret so, yeah…

I have returned from death to inform you that you need help good sir


Be honest

You are tempted

To fufill my requests

Also I never got to say this

But @Nerbins

Ur nerdbins

marshals been thinking of that one since mafia academy


The TMGL Esports event has become a massive trainwreck.

You have to reach 120 points and then get another first place to win.

But one guy’s already won while 2nd place only has 59 points.

They had technical issues so just resorted to recording the player’s screens.

And the official casters are terribad at casting.

i had to google what TMGL was, that sounds like a shitshow

watch a better esport like smash :^)

I don’t usually watch Esports but a streamer I watched was hosting it on Twitch, so yeah…

I’m glad I didn’t miss that shitshow.

Update: the second player has won (only 25 minutes after the first guy lmao.) and next will be the losers’ finals.

Unfortunately the technical issues have also been fixed.

L m a o I’m finna get the coronavirus

It’s in my city

its coming its coming its coming

im bored

would people join a turbo if i hosted one

what kinda turbo

also marshal bring it over pls