54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

It is Priestess.

There’s also a talkshow about The Mole right after it because of how popular it is.

They discuss suspicious things that candidates did in that and more.


Why would you care if it’s legal if it’s not going to be used for commercial use
They’d probably like to keep the money from the legal fees

pretty sure you need their permission or it’s piracy

they have that for survivor and big brother too

You could literally already reserve tickets to see its finale in the cinema a month before it even started.

Sounds like piracy. Don’t do that here O_o


All the countries that have adapted “De Mol”.

Apparently, there’s way more than Wikipedia mentioned.

But yeah, unfortunately you’ll have to learn Dutch/Flemish if you want to watch the Dutch version.

Although, technically I could try to get written permission from the producers, but I doubt they’d give it.

u doin k

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what the heck is that

An abomination, obviously.

Mining diamonds?

what kind of questions

what is your credit card number

what are the 3 wacky digits you think of when you look at the back of it

It’s always related to whatever happened since the last elimination (except in the finale).

Like, if the group had to split into different teams: Which team was the mole on?

But there can also be questions like: What was the color of the X that the mole was wearing?

It can also be related to their personal live (so basically you have to guess), but those don’t happen often.

And, of course: “Who is the mole?”

im watching the U.S. version and at the beginning they flashed panels with some info on everyone for like 10 minutes and some of the things on there, for example, is high school graduating class. so some quesitons are like “when did the mole graduate” and then all of the answers everyone put