54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

No, I think you need some help.


the first step is admitting you have a problem

It’s a problem that you believe that.

did you tell arete what happened

Yes, Arete and I are very concerned

i think you both need to consider that i am the correct one here

to clarify, by “consider” i mean “accept the fact”

You are not in the right here katze, I think we both know this

so you choose to dispute this?

a well known fact?

is it the whetness of water


You just don’t understand.

marshal, im glad you came

exactly correct, you are

well what do you beleive

i have my thesis and reasoning

but lemme see yours

my dearest sulit, you must be a nonbeliever in science

katze is a mega scientist

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exactly! marshal gets it!

…you dip

now, do i have to spell it all out for you?

You shun logic and reasoning. I can’t even look at you.

It would be complete and utter nonsense

im a neutral party on the whetness of water

something in contact with water. Even if it is veeeeeeeeeery little , it is still sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiightly wet

1 water molecule is not wet

2+ water molecules, in contact with each other, are wet

water can be wet or non wet

because i have nuance you heretics

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