54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

or if i dislike someone i’ll vomit in their bag

but that was like once

But gross

but not having to take quizzes

Spanish is easy tho

i actually envy you then

its mostly ez for me

but he’ll spring pop quizzes on us weekly

and thats when lunch starts to rise

Oh that sucks

My Spanish teacher is super weird but very predictable

it’s because I’m constantly exhausted

my spanish teacher probably has a thing for a few of the students(so weird as fuck)

and will randomly quiz you over the 60 vocab words i learned yesterday

That’s dumb

You can’t learn 60 words in a day

im always tired too

still takes me an hour or two to fall asleep

ofc i cant

but i can try to learn them in 2(and hear from mis amigos what words are on them)

hence the vomit

also a party trick with mixed results

more impressive when alcohol not present

I’m trying to decide if not a lot of people would know I did that or if it would spread around and everyone starts avoiding me

did what

the vomit?

Side note my nurses office was literally over run last week; they literally wouldn’t let people inside for fear of spreading whatever was going around


im avoiding you now