54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

talking about you

7am waking up in the morning

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gotta be fresh gotta go downstairs

(wait its not even friday)

In fact bathing with clothes on is very relaxing
I just like the feeling of wet clothes
No idea why
(Dont try jeans tho that would be stupid)

Hey kat i love u

Hey mom i love u

I too

i need an adult

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Daughter, thats not what I meant reeeeeeeeeeeee

why would you want to get your socks wet

then you have to either (a) change socks or (b) go to bed in bare feet

i need another adult

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Hey arete i love u

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You ever just… take off your boots, un-cuff your jeans, and waltz through the parking lot while its pouring rain?

Soggy socks and drippy jean bottoms. MMM

I wonder if there are people who bite their toenails

why are you calling me out

Sorry, i didnt mean toe do that

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im gonna bite your nails

Lmao you nailed it

ill nail you :flushed:

Bro screw you