54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I just watched the dumbest commercial ever

I love her

This is my friends cat that is gorgeous


I feel like one of those grandparents that show pictures of their grandchildren but they’re cats.

i approve tho

Here’s my Piper again <<<333


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insert iPhone X ad here

Screen Shot 2020-03-01 at 8.04.59 PM

Boomer the three-legged cat

cries in busted iphone 8


ok boomer

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i haven’t heard that 80000 times on the internet before

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ARETE. ur my favorite arete i know

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at least i said “shut the fuck up boomer” before it was cool

good I’m glad to hear I could share original joke content with you

CHLEB. you’re my favorite bread I know



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i eat that.


:hocho: :bread:

Let’s cut the bread.

Wanna be my white bread?

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can i be a different kind of game