54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Aaaarghhh… why is most homework boring and completely useless, but extremely tedious?!?

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homework was an inside job

Homework has been half-assed. Now I can have fun!


And by fun I mean continuing to work on my One Piece RP (I’ll probably stop making Devil Fruits now since I already have about 250 and focus on Lore & Islands.)

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(How many people are actually interested in this?)

so who sent the forums into it’s emo phase and why is it darker?

Presumably Xblade, and likely because he thinks it looks better.

what you talkin about



The logo for the forum (which is at the left of every tab, btw) was recently changed.

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now its anarcho-forum

thats a lot

viva la revolution?

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It is, yeah.

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will we start with fruit or will we have to find them?

I haven’t decided yet, but I’m leaning towards having to find them. Although I’ll probably make some weak-ish devil fruits availabe at the start.

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Katze has been force-pre-inned for my RP.

Jgoesgaming has been banned from all katze games