54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

they’re still normal reads at heart, just with some allowances made

heres a tier list

good reads - kat town
less good reads - kat not scum
less bad reads - meta augmented reads
bad reads - meta reads

good reads - kat has this medium sized piece of scummy evidence, and this small bit of towny evidence, however from previous experience we know kat just does that for whatever reason no matter what, leaving only the small bit of towny evidence, and therefore they are town

memes aside

a lot of people rely too much on meta imo

sometimes it works

sometimes it doesn’t

using meta to influence reads is inevitable and not inherently bad

using meta to dictate your reads in their entirety is bad

see this is a good read

part of my mindset in FM is to make myself hard to metaread and not rely on meta reads myself

i think i’ve done a decent job on both fronts

my main strategy is a way to develop and find trustworthy information in a sea of distrust, and then some mechanics and weird logic to find the most likely candidate

my sister is eating a nametag
what should I do?

let her do her thing

hypixel nerds

speaking of arete moments

your link chat n4 of FoL26 was a top tier arete moment

@Arete i enjoyed it very much

send me a link to the link chart so i can chart a course using your link

arete should totally publicize that link chat specifically

which part of it

how did “bang the desk, the desk bangs back” not get into best/worst forum quotes

everything up until you were solving peoples classes like a nerd

what is your class

same with eevee and sulit…becoming me?

arete, in response to a joke, writes a defensive wallpost

if that isn’t a top tier arete moment i don’t know what is

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it didnt know it was possible to love arete even more

that’s not a wallpost
that’s just a post of ordinary length