54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

@sulit how you liking the weather today

Haven’t gone outside yet

It was really nice yesterday

But today it’s really windy

I can hear it

I opened my window and I’m not freezing so it’s a solid 7/10

It’s in the 60’s and why have you not been outside

Because I’m dying inside

(I’m really sick, that sounded edgy I’m fine mentally)

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hard rip

don’t get the coronavirus thx


thanks I’ll try

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Do go outside tho

Really nice day

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Yah, maybe I’ll take a walk

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the cookie thread is eternal
long live cookie thread

it is also pretty high on the list of “top 10 things i’d choose as the sole remnants of the internet to confuse the fuck out of post-apocalyptic historians”


what are the other 9


definitely homestuck, as it is incomprehensibly complex and while technically extremely relevant to the history of the internet due to all the websites it crashed throug sheer popularity it would create an incredibly funny impression of the literature of the 21st century


for example, imagine if this was the first thing you discovered about the culture of the internet

“what did he tell that man about stairs. what keeps happening. i’m so confused”

let’s see… r/PrequelMemes would also be pretty good to leave behind assuming that the star wars prequels themselves are destroyed

imagine exploring the postapocalyptic wasteland and you just hear from the shadows “Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise?”

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No, really
It’s rarely even memes anymore