54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

also n i c e

i have like 900 hour combined on all devices

prolly 1000 if u count mobile too

I have 0 seconds on Terraria.
A god am I.

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Okay I played on mobile a ton like a year ago

but now I completely forget how to play

and I just bought it on Steam on impulse

and I need help because I have no idea what to work towards first

expert or normal

normal i-

i mean if ur just starting normal is fine

but i like expert 100x better
for cthulu sheild n shit


Worm must survive

fucking poison darts

can i change it to expert or do i need to start a new thing

ya need to start a new world for expert

yeah but would you want it to be the one thing that people know about our culture
also fine i’ll read worm some day

dangit ok

It’s actually spectacular

but expert isn’t needed

normal is fine

i have a softcore normal post-moonlord world

a hardcore normal world in hardmode which i haven’t touched in a while

and a hardcore expert world which im focusing on which im preparing for hardmode


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How do I run walking all the time is killing me and I can’t figure it out

tho actually the first 2 were on my old computer

so i might not have them

but i have the 3rd

You get off the computer.
And run.

i miss my speedy boots i had on my phone