54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

that literally is an abrieviated version of I know you are, but what am I?
It fails in this context.

no w

Get yeeted with good grammar.

Got yote with grammar great.

I’m excellent with grammar and punctuation, whilst also using meme talk.
I am more forumer than thou.

i challenge thee to combat!

Challenge accepted.
In DM or here?

Thy time has come.

Thou has no match for me.

dnd 5e
level 3 fighters

I’m not in dnd 5e lol.

this is how you do honorable single comabt you weeb

or unless you wanna do my coked up system im working on :eyes:

Can you ping me to it?


Alright can’t be bothered.

give me this one.

im sorry you whot

thats my job, but with vocabulary

Why use many word when few do trick?

Yeah but I use punctuation as well.

Because it’s intelligent.

the coked up system is still in development
plus 5e is not hard

exactly. why use many normal words when one very specific word would work instead?