54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

this is what we’ve been waiting for

i can just imagine the countless places selling bread being looted

Demand half your tuition back for half services rendered


I know Rowan is thinking the same thing, and Drexel is worried as well

That’s more or less my plan tbh

Probably goes nowhere

But hey

I could use that money


hope it becomes an issue in my parish
i’m past the point of giving a shit
let it all burn


We could not do that

i’m talking about where i live god


We could not do that

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actually fuck
i don’t get paid if i don’t work

rip Chloe damn

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Also lol we’re already back from Spring Break

I think this affects all UCs/CSUs? Thats a lot of classes potentially cancelled lmfao

Also what the hell do they think is going to happen by the end of March?

Things will magically be better? lol

In general I’m just concerned that using the nuclear option now means we’ll be stuck with it for a year or more

I’m honestly surprised they’re doing anything. During the Camp Fire we stayed in classes until you couldn’t see five feet in front of you from smoke

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It took -30 degrees before we had a cold day

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did you just say -30 degrees???