54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

OMG same

That’s the way to go

i’ve had my bike stolen five times even though i had an expensive bike lock every time

Eventually i just got deflated and decided to use public transit to get everywhere

Literally same on DiffEq bro

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I’m in contact with exactly ONE of them still… and that is my best friend from my 5th school

They didn’t accept my credit

It was from U of M fucking Dearborn

That’s the same fucking system aaaaaaaa

I left my bike at the beach once - got home realizing we forgot to strap it to the damn car. Thought it was gone for good. Came back a year later and someone had locked it up with a note saying to call them

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difference is you weren’t a transfer applicant so that one diff eq class didn’t have to transfer for you to get accepted lol

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Wait what

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Yes a literal year later

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lmao i spent most of highschool too depressed to put 100% of myself into anything healthy :upside_down_face:

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anyways even if you ignore charters we still don’t have the whole ‘oh you want to go to [school that would be a remotely good fit]??? lol nope it’s in the ~wrong district~’ thing that other states have going on

im fine with that
im just opposed to taking mass amounts of money away from public school systems to give to charter ones

I’m sorry for your loss

Unless you happened to be one of the like 0.1% of charter schools that don’t suck ass

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We visit that beach for my mother’s birthday every year- we went to check the spot for luls and it was fuckin right there waiting


charter schools are literally public schools


That’s crazy lucky.

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Seriously they need serious reform or to just be outlawed as a failed experiment

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