54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Yes by virtue of it being a charter school

Of which few are average and fewer are good

Glad to hear it wasn’t an issue for you

gonna keep happening

When I once did, they filmed it and took it on Youtube.
We needed a few days to get it put down, but everyone on my school had seen it to that time already.

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i see the problem

you didn’t win the fights :eyes:

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That sucks

im not one to encourage physical violence

but it is a very effective solution to “im being bullied” if you win

it doesn’t happen when u have mostly socialism w/ a bit of capitalism tho like the nordic countries do (and like britain would have had with corbyn as PM)

so i agree marxism cant work but i do believe the above could anywhere

To be fair I was just a lonely girl, and they were 5
Brave as they always were.

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I think “anywhere” is definitively false


it could work in any intellectual society

that is also a problem

i insulted peoples pride if they tried doing anything more than a 1v1

when I tried that I got suspended

to be fair that’s a gross oversimplification


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Arete no don’t get suspended

i had a… very interesting relationship with the principal and vice-principal

to put it shortly i… kind of was above the law? but not really?

i mean i got suspended once and almost got expelled

but both were very deserved

only once! and it was in second grade!

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If anything I was beneath the law

Things would have hit me at least twice has hard had I ever gotten in trouble

well I guess technically that depends on how we’re defining ‘suspended’