54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i took spanish for 6 years in junior year and high school
5 of them were full immersion (talking in english at all was not allowed and if you did you would receive big penalties to your grade)
i took the ap spanish test twice, got a 3 the first time and a 2 the second time
that should tell you something about my ability to learn other languages

Also yo my dad took 4 years of Russian in college

May I ask where exactly you’re from?

I didn’t even try AP Spanish but my scores would likely have been the same or worse

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I took four years of spanish. I remember the alphabet and how to ask where the bathroom is. Think I’m good to move to mexico?

i was born near moscow but i moved to america when i was ~7 and haven’t spoken russian since i was ~9

so i can barely even read cyrillic now

its easier to just say english is my first language because its the only one i speak

and people say ‘cyka bylat’ a lot if i even mention the motherland


i got the year of foreign language credit i needed
because here at tech they took the transfer classes right off my CC transcript instead of looking at my ap scores
and they had lower benchmarks there
so lol

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But on the bright side… I could do everything I want in school, they often tried to falsely report me for everything, but the teachers were on my side
It has advantages to be the “innocent child”


Tri poloski


real talk that songs a banger

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Priestess made an FM reference???


Priestess has revealed as the Innocent Child. She is aligned with the Town.

Why y’all gotta be interesting n shit. I haven’t look at my schoolwork in an hour


you stole my joke >:(

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relevant link

The Soviet national anthem is genuinely amazing

A lot of the Red Army Choir’s renditions are also great

Big fan of Kalinka and Korobeinki (if I spelled them right lol)

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git gud

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lol same

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I was definitely bracing for a Rickroll :eyes:

here was this guy btw



but agreed

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