54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

welp it’s been fun

gn all

See you in 3 hours


HAHA the cookie wasn’t stolen when I slept

My grade has about 400? 400 people in it I’d say.

I wonder what would happen if I just deleted every post in every game that I played.

Try using meta now, bitches.


I’ve already stopped using meta because every time i’ve tried it, it’s been both a big timewaster and a colossal failure

Despite all of the times i’ve denied this before, using meta isn’t viable. Over long periods of time, everyone’s self meta changes. That is inevitable, which nullfies the power of meta.

Where did you get this from

here @sulit

wait . . . how young are you


are you younger than wazza

ok no. phew

I turn sixteen in… sixteen days



feliz quinceañera


I missed the interesting discussion

Why do these always happen at 1am

1 Like

great grandlit

I’m sorry

You guys better not get the cookie while I’m at school this is an order

The order has failed us, welcome the chaos

Anprim>all other ideologies

Huh it’d actually not bad out

Remove the rain and it’s fine