54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

:thinking: you werent here when the Guide took control, were you?


Is this something I missed because Solar Car or are we just being cryptic lol

Since the OP of the thread is no longer part of the forum thread control got transferred to kat, which is apparently a thing that Discourse allows

Meh thats the boring answer
But yea

But what’s the point

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this is the 36963 post.

The point was to make Kat able to edit Post 1 to give out the cookies, cuz the mods were too lazy
It didnt work tho :joy:

lel @sulit

Nom nom

So, how are your guy’s days going

Good. You?

very stressful
and i’m the kind of person who inflicts self harm under extreme stress, so my leg is now marked with 3 minutes of me just clawing at it

Punch your pillow.

Pretty normal tbh I just ate ice cream so life’s swell


Not good

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I tried to feed my cat ice cream to make her to the brain freeze but she didn’t do it, she just stole my ice cream

my pillow is very soft
way too soft
as in if you can push it down slightly, you can push it to the other side with basically no resistance

makes it really hard to sleep on because my head just completely flattens it

You should get a better pillow