54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

thats why brawl is so good u only need 1 copy to have a great deck

don’t you fucking dare
i have a burning hatred of teferi

wait i have an erebos one

as somebody who is trying to ladder right now I have a general distaste for most of the centerpieces of Azorious Control. except Dream Trawler. he’s my boy.

im laddering with bant control its like azorious just with growth spiral and nissa and a few tamiyo to get back key pieces.

it is very obnoxious lol.

also knight of autumn is amazing in meta atm and so good with teferi bounce.

see, unlike you, I play Esper Hero, which while weaker at least requires intelligence to play
i’m just waiting to craft some Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths to give my oppponent’s headaches

I played azorious tempo hero for a bit cuz i lacked rarelands for esper and it was rlly fun tbf.

esper hero is a cool deck

like it’s control-y but not in an obnoxious manner
and you get to do some cool stuff with the high end

i swear its pretty bad rn tho cuz UGx stomps it and it’s too slow for RDW

yeah i’m trying to figure out how to tweak it for RDW
i might betray my ideals and change to Bant Hero for the ramp

Bant hero seems kinda silly cuz if ur ramping into 8/8 krasis a 1/1 token ain’t gonna matter lol

problem is that drops Ashiok and Tyrant’s Scorn and that’s not a decision I would make lightly

jeskai superfriends hero

the 1/1s are more chumpblockers against RDW

i feel like thats so bad against turn 4 embercleave tho

yet another reason why war of the spark was a mistake

fucking embercleave
it’s annoying enough that I hate it but slow enough that it’s never getting banned

ikoria’d better give us some god-tier instant speed artifact removal