54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


we gonna play fortnite

@orangeandblack5 would the transaction ID for me buying the game on steam count as “proof of purchase” or do i also have to provide evidence that the account is, well, also mine

fortnite more like fartnite

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That’s probably fine? I’d assume they can see it’s tied to your account

im p sure thats what i sent last time but shrug

that was 3 months ago

To reiterate

Anyone locked out

Go here


i am banned forever from ToS


I can’t help

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i posted a negative review and got banned like 3 days later

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i mean to be fair being banned from ToS seems like an accomplishment

Sent @sulit a friend request

Who else is in

I have to rebuy 1 sec

Are we doing Coven or basic?

I thought you said you were in

im searching my email for my latest username. one sec


Coven is a downgrade

I only own it because I got it for free on the forums

apprently when iw as tyring to figure it out earlier I made another account

and I guessed the other account but not my original one

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Wait are u honna Srsl play tos