54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Join the lobby


Well, have fun I guess.

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hey guys im the survivor please dont hurt me

I could do jackbox for like an hour if people are up

alright my brain is fried already

I am up

well ill be in vc then

oh shit i actually got someone wrong

sulit was arete is a nerd, not marshal


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idk why but like this game is too intense for my brain to handle

im so used to tol

Y’all wanna do jackbox?

yall done after 1? smh

@orangeandblack5 send another

we are waiting

Like idrc if they dont play now we can always play later


we’re going to do 1 more

I will do something else for now ping me after

uhh well imma eat dinner now, so ill be back in a bit

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i am going to build a guest launcher in OpenRCT2