54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

also i absolutely despise how small the wills are

@DatBird whenever you get back I’d be down for JB

balanced game :^)


katze god tier mafia held down by RNG :frowning:

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Lemme snag headphones I’ll hop into VC

Almost alerted N2 but was afraid there would be a holdover TP/LO still on me

shoutout to the NK for leaving D1 :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Neutgod marshal held down by NOTHINg and NO-ONE

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Shoulda gone for it lol

give us like, a janitor

that games ez claps

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remove nks

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i said yup as im ready

you can just say ‘held down by shitty teammate 12’ :^)


Anyways I’ma go eat

Been fun

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also yw marshal

i had NE deduced to two people and you were the more sus of the two so i figured it was you

“what’s an Arete” my ass

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My last Maf win we had Janitor

Never used it lol

awh its not the good emojis