54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

that game, summarized:

D1 - town gets mislynched
N1 - vig hits town
D2 - town gets mislynched after scum quickhammers 14 hours into the day
N2 - vig hits town
D3 - everyone ignores the quickhammer and listens to a fake redcheck in LyLo

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why cant we host hydra friendly games here :eyes:

other sites are scary :upside_down_face:

we could do that

the main issue is that hydra games require twice as many players

for instance, we could probably get 13 players for D6 if we tried hard and believed in ourselves, but good luck getting 26


the other issue is that the standard hydra thing to do is to share one account between the two people, you can do it with everyone just posting on their main but then it’s harder to remember who’s who

and making alts is just a no it seems


unfortunately so

yes xblade has put a hard no on alts

time to write a petition

dear xblade
give us alts
luv katze


except in strange cases where you’re definitively locked out of the original account with no way back in (like me) in which case you can make a new account but your old one will be destroyed

the only way this can happen is if you set your account’s password to a long string of gibberish that you never record and could never possibly remember, verify its email address to an email address that is subsequently destroyed, and then log out.

this is what i did when i left here in december and initially intended to never return.

so tl:dr, no alts.

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Totally… did not… fall asleep…

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why do i doubt this claim :eyes:


Hey it’s pi day

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Wait, you’re right!


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I’m going to make myself a pie


I’ll make pot pie for dinner

And then make peanut butter pie after that

Dang I am committed now