54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

They aren’t because negative infinity + 1 is still negative infinity

My brain is all tuckered out from playing Ultra Despair Girls after who knows how long, so anything is funny in my eyes

Infinity is both positive and negative at once.
So your logic isn’t valid.

Yes, I do calculus, or I used to.


Because something being endlessly negative can exist as concept which I am talking about

The scales of good and bad equals each other out.

it smells like nerds here

No because good and negative are opposite

That’s because you walked in.

My point exactly.

Yes but endless negativity is only one of those

For negativity endless, there’s also positivity endless.

Yes the endless positive are my other jokes

So it’s balanced, proving my point.
I win.

That your joke was endless negativity?

No. This one.

I mean they depend on each other

Then why did you say this?

Because I thought you said that you meant that your joke was endlessly negative and endlessly positive at same time

Not endlessly, but positivity and negativity have an equal balance in everything.
Literally everything.

There is 1 exception