54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I took algebra 1 in 6th grade
But I did this thing in 5th grade called Transitions which was basically like pre-algebra for elementary school
I think we learned variables there?

I mean, I see your logic as flawed.
It is possible my logic is flawed, but yours definitely is.
And if one of us isn’t willing to concede defeat… well, let’s just say we’ll argue forever.
So I’m willing to stop it here. It’s already gone long enough.

Hey Sulit, you back online now?

Hitler is autobahns


I mean you’re yet to point out how it is

Did you know Nazis made the Fanta drink?

wut is it even possible to take algebra 1 is 6th?

i tried to petition my school but the best i could get was pre-algebra

I have spent every reply proving how it’s wrong lol.

Yea but I’m playing cards with my family

Yes and I responded why your case on them is wrong

Didn’t know, but cool fact

Against humanity

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Yeah I took it in 6th grade as well


it required jumping ahead two years in math class in elementary school by having absurdly high scores on the MAP test.

in 6th grade I went to the local junior high at the start of the school day to take Algebra 1, and in 8th grade, I went to the local high school at the start of the day to take Algebra 2.

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how ???

that would have made my entire HS plan easier and allow me to take varsity theater or robotics next year REEEE

The guy who killed Hitler is my hero.

/s is needed for this to be black comedy and not just evil
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Jesus Christ
That’s on a whole different level of wtf

Rip you had to go the highschool

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actually that’s probably why i couldn’t take it but still

my life would be way easier if i could have done that