54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

How wrong this sounds.

Hey Katze, what is 1+1?


miau miau


miau miau

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katze join Poisonous Mafia or dog

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miau miau

Wenn Sie Google sind, übersetzen Sie dies: saugen Sie meinen Schwanz und Eier uwu

Screen Shot 2020-03-15 at 3.22.14 PM

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this is harassment


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new Pfp because it’s way cuter

R8 plz

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I wish I had your ambition back in the day though


the classes thing i get because i struggle from the same thing

but like… wanting someone from your family to be a nerd and training them to do so?



Possibly just to flex

i took preventative measures against nerds in the family by being enough of a shit that my parents were like “hell no we aren’t making another one”

and now that that time has passed i can finally be a loving son


small Arete wasn’t trying to flex on her they just thought it was really important that people know how to read when they started kindergarten and she was starting kindergarten in a year! and didn’t know how to read! oh no!

when i was in highschool i was told by my parents and teachers to sign up to higher leveled courses

young katze was a lazy katze

boomer katze wouldn’t recommend young zoomers to do that though

Actually learning to be productive is better than charging head first into really high level courses
At least from my experience