54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

it’s what i’ve heard

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In Wisconsin, you can drink alcohol if your parents give you permission

I’m not a fan of any tiny bit of what I had tasted tbh

I don’t think I’ll ever get into it

alcohol is gross

this isn’t me being obnoxiously moralistic it just … doesn’t taste good

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I checked again

Caltech got back to me December 9th
Illinois UC on the 15th
Umich the 21st
MIT was at some point in that range too

Didn’t see Purdue/Michigan Tech while skimming but they were around then too

this is why you’re a nerd


one of many reasons

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I was basically coerced into doing shots in israel

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or literally anywhere, you can drink alcohol without your parents permission if you have any semblance of sneakyness

how many of those, if any, were EA?

Wines can be good, provided you don’t go overboard

Sake was… interesting? Not bad but hoo boy it was different than I expected

lowkey have mead doing its thing in my attic

Patron taquila and jack daniels whisky were both extremely heated and hard to bear
I don’t regret it though

All of the ones I listed I think?

sake is just liquidifed earwax

After all that’s why I heard back from them early

It’s unique

that sounds like it would explain why they got back to you early

this would be the only reason i would drink again


Which is why I asked if he’d applied anywhere early

He said yes

The only time I might be willing to consume alcohol is try out the drinks made in limited time cafes based on Japanese video games or anime

it’s possible you have different definitions of ‘in the fall’