54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

host jb you whore

What in the snap also did Jake just get himself banned or no

youll become the main whore if you do

just don’t narc

well thats rude, but i can in a bit need to find a save spot

after the N turbo tho

but you see

i don’t care.

i care about people joining my mafia game

why did it start like 2 hours in

Now it’s weeb gatbage :frowning:

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In case my previous post is unreadable the first link Jake post is safe.


I am not going to click on other link because safety reasons.

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thats all you buddy

Click me

shout out to bound 2

katze: hates trivia, enters as “kill me” expecting to lose

also katze: image


So what words are we using as custom words

will katze ever load in, the game

Bro imagine having internet

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