54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Seems legit

oh btw Marshal I’ll prolly be in Dallas this summer

Come visit sometime :stuck_out_tongue:

hot take

murder might not be that bad

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Assuming we aren’t in lockdown

well what’s going to happen to the people when I murder them

do they get to go to a joyful afterlife


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dallas > austin texas is like 2 states away in like normal-state-scale

Stuff like Hitman and The Blacklist def makes it seem not as bad.

he’s not in dallas @orangeandblack5 lol

Arete asking the real questions damn

Depending on what you mean by murder.

As I’m defining it, murder is the unlawful killing of another living organism.

I know

I said he should come visit

if they do then this is +EV for 101 people



At least not against really corrupt and despicable ppl.

Those media stuff probably exaggerate things tho.

yeah im in austin

won’t be in dallas and can’t drive there

and im not gonn be like “hey mom and dad drive me 3 whole hours to this address in dallas i wanna meet up with an internet person”

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Drive yourself then


im going back to chicago and i’ll probably be there for a while so i may meet up with arete at some point

from my standpoint it is quite literally one of if not the worst thing you can do

Sounds like a mistake

I hear they’re a nerd

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