54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I guess it was 2

But still

Also wait I’m confused Katze are you not a judge

im a guide lol

he’s never been one no

I was under the impression you were based on what Tryphon said

i know where 2 guns are in my house and how to shoot them, and a kitchen knife in my nightstand

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katsay is a Guide

The current active Judges who are not also Mods are me, Chloe, and Nesnah

is tryphon talking me up? :eyes:

Something about “my judges” leads one to believe there are multiple judges involved

ignore that it is connected to an old plate with cake

would still hurt to get stabbed by tho

maybe he’s from the future

Doubt that lol

fair, but oof

gl tho I guess

Did isaac choose to leave

I kind of miss him, even though I think he tends to gamethrow

uhh, he got forum banned

and i guess hes unbanned now

but hasn’t posted since, so no clue

i think i saw him in the ToL discord but not super recently


i’ve watched countless people rank up from newbies to guides to judges etc

p sure i tried to convince arete to do ?rank unseen in the discord when humbe bundle hit(arete was a humble bundler iirc)

my only issue was that i was a terrible representation of the ToL community and also had gotten banned /warned for true gamer behavior

Yeah that one threw me for a curveball, as I heard he suddenly acted differently

arete is a humble bundler and still gets memed for it sometimes :eyes:


I just realized that the first official holiday event within ACNH will be april fools day