54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i said not nice words to a cult leader after they converted me into a loss


my fav part of ToL was my gamer-level scorned winrate

I get why ur not supposed to fakeclaim in TOL, but what do u do in that situation. Ur a heathen thats going to die anyway

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prolly make real logs lmfao

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fakeclaiming as BD is fine (not on stand/ in jail tho) but usually keeping fake logs is what people aren’t gonna agree with you on

nah it was because i forgot to fix my logbook before i died
Fake claiming as BD is fine so long as you’re not on the stand or in jail

well yeah, but on stand

don’t get upped lol

just don’t be numbers 2-9 5head

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hey man the meta sucks sometimes where u get random upped

Imagine getting warned for in-game actions instead of banned for reasons that have nothing to do with gameplay

clears throat

Members of the Blue Dragon are required to claim their true class on the stand or in jail



I have a clean record of 0 bans and warns
And I have had 3 people suspended and 2 warned.


i also learned that it’s an unwritten rule that you must not have fake logs in your logbook when you die at night as bd
so yeah

since i was FYI’d for that

i mean that seems kinda given ???

idk, if my goal is to not be upped on stand its not that hard to do so imo?

especially in this meta, its just VFR

claim fast 4head

Yeah and that’s fair
I forgot to fix them

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tfw king just points 2 and you are 2

theres not much you can do

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eh, i found at times, it was inevitable no matter what. I could usually get down, but there was not much i could do to not get upped in the first place