54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

GT students still have no idea whatsoever whether or not they’ll have to come back later in the semester or if the remainder of the semester is just online

Also, everyone in cancelled Spring / Summer study abroad programs are not being refunded anything whatsoever.

Sucks to be ya’ll
I’m graduating and get to stay home all day

> be marshal, the poss

> jump as marshal n1

> fill logbooks with the word “marshal”

> make a deathnote that just says “marshal”

> repeat n2

> die like d5 because you are PoE’d and don’t have ur ability

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im doing this in your honor in my next poss game

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I wanna graduate like a real student in the ceremony tho

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last semester is gonna be online, graduation is gonna be a skype call, gotta shake my dads hand whos off camera to match up with the deans arm

wait tell me this last part is satire


We’re still having plans to have the ceremony, but people will have to line up at the corresponding time when their name is called and then quickly gtfo after that

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marshal if you got an NK with a flip altering ability in FoL would you flip someone as marshal

i think he has

i’ve never been NK in FoL

but yes kat, the answer is yes

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My Herbalist once flipped the great Marluxion as Assassin when he was Knight trying to kill me

So I claimed CS Marl when I assassinated him
Insta confirmed Good as Assassin.

(I think the Alch healed me thinking I was good)


i usually defile people as neuts just because getting real neuts killed is fun

dude why is MATLAB so unwieldy :frowning:

I miss him. I miss him a lot, but hes happy elsewhere

Marluxion has a great voice


I’m done with the pre-lab now!

I can sleep!

I’ve been up for almost 22 hours, hiked probably like six miles and climbed several extremely steep cliffs made entirely of sand

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it’s so klunky
but all engineers have to take it and use it