54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Doom in the tomb was fucking shit
Because evolve isn’t balanced

Does it have high bar to entry

I like mtg, due to have a cool format like commander that makes deck building so much more fun

oh yeah definitely mtg arena is super fucking stingy

fuck me guess I’m not playing

MTGA probably, mtg through apps like cockatrice or irl is way easier to get into

the one format that’s relatively cheap to play but still spicy in the free mtg arena, brawl is only available to queue once a week if you don’t pay way too much in game currency in arena

like look at this dumb thing here:

look at how awful it is

Cockatrice has all the cards, deck building, its open source, and can have online lobbys with friends. Used to play it a lot then my friends and I stopped playing a lot

i never experienced this and i’m glad of it

that set is one of my faves but everyone hates it

dude everybody hates New Phyrexia

who thought it was a good idea to add cards that allow you to pay life to play cards that aren’t in your section of the color pie

birthing pod was overpowered precisely because it doesn’t matter if you’re paying 2 life to account for the fact you don’t have green several times if you win instantly using untap effects


ran a splicer golem deck

I stopped playing mtg after someone used Mirror March against me with a 6/6 trample and won 17 coin flips in a row.

yeah mirror march is a bad card

also wait a fucking minute
there’s only one 6/6 trample i know that was in standard recently
oh my fucking god jgoes

you died from 17 Collosall Dreadmaws didn’t youz