54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i will say i am very sick of every deck ever including either Uro, TItan of Nature’s Wrath or Kroxa, Titan of Death’s Huner

look at this thing

Looks at it.

It looks cool, judging by the artwork.

it’s a buffed Growth Spiral that is later cast into a 6/6 creature that ramps infinitely

and like it’s a cool design but you’d be surprised how annoying it is that any deck that even includes Simic in its’ colours has it

we also have the lesser titan

i’m 90% sure these cards were so pushed solely because people wouldn’t care about a new kind of graveyard recursion mechanic based around exiling other graveyard cards otherwise if Underworld Breach wasn’t such a combo BEAST

we live in dread of what dumb stuff Ikoria will add
the good thing is that every new set always adds something incredibly fun to the game

like what sort of things

saying they are jesus

standard wtf content

I’d recommend a therapist.

they’ve stopped now
but might happen again later

like in an ‘actually believing it’ way or in an ‘I’m twelve and fucking around making dumb jokes’ way

actually believing it
they’re praying the rosary now on repeat

not having class has never been so good to me

has anything like this ever happened with them before

they had to go to the mental hospital last time

now, that time wasn’t handled all that well
But this time is still ehhhh

i mean how old is said sibling?


wait actually 22