54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Meanwhile we raised the nationwide age for purchasing tobacco to match alcohol at 21

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this took way longer than it should have

On the bright side we now get to see marshal chugging hot sauce :wink:


I’m on it

I should probably post my One Piece Signups but I’m worried I’m forgetting to mention something important.

You can update it later tho

True. I’m going to write some lore and then I’ll post it.

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git gud

i dont have qualms abt posting the vod

but i do have qualms

because some points in the vid could be uh… photoshopped

If you quickedit that out nobody will think of it

it would likely be thought of anyways

I think you’re projecting your own desire onto what you think other people want to make it look like you do :man_shrugging:

i dont exactly get what this means but uh

ur wrong

im obv gonna do it

i think i have to convert it to gif first tho to actually post it here

and its just doing that rn


ok uh lets see if this works
uh fuck u vul and arete


Oh god you actually have that hat.

Also good job, I would never do that lmao.

how is this our fault

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acting wolfy

or at least vul

so i blame him