54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Oh ok but if they cant win with each others they are slightly better. I feel bad about including them now

If they can’t win with each other, it’s fine
If they can, FUCK

I mean it makes Sense if it’s Balanced for lovers

imagine fakeclaiming Masons with scum as town

what sort of nerd would do that lol

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The hydra is bad unless everyone is hydra or setup is balanced for hydra

Tragic lovers are working great in irl werewolves

In the case of them, lynching the scum would end the game and the town of the pair would win still
But since they wanted a 3p win, they decided to extend the game

It works in irl
but if you have a week+ game, then yikes

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what did ur parents say, as u just walked out of the kitchen with a full bottle, and walked back in with an empty one

dad was asleep and mom was in office

so nothing

Tonight: “Marshal, where’s that bottle of hot sauce?”


we have like 4

i dont think they’ll notice

when u forget Kanye is a JoJo character

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can i be an anti-kanye neut

Wait what there’s races in JoJo?

part 7 is a horse race from San Diego to New York

woah woah woah

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There are other races

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Dat is a neut

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