54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

@discobot quote

:game_die: 69

:left_speech_bubble: Don’t look back. Something might be gaining on you. — Satchel Paige

one of my favorite numbers
not sure if any of you guys remember The 39 Clues
one of my favorite book series / card collecting games from middle school

realistically plenty of people are going to want to join but not fill out the interest check, or fill out the interest check and then have something come up

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thank you chloebot

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Ok like im gonna snag this cookie, but the next one is the important one

Outlook good.

@discobot russian roulette

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ur ded af boi

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lets spam bois

get us to that 40k

I feel like when you have to move sites mid-game it doesn’t really give broadly-applicable guidelines for how many replacements you can expect

@discobot quote

Body is not familiar.

:left_speech_bubble: Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking. — Marcus Aurelius




we’ll keep it at 24 as originally intended

Still, I don’t regret making the interest check and I disagree with orange’s point that interests checks are entirely pointless.
Creating hype for unique and exciting mechanics in closed setups definitely has value IMO.

we are getting there so close