54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

if you want to get sonething physical you gotta wake up at 6 to snag the cleaning supplies/toiler paper

can’t hurt regardless
and i have nothing better to spend that on in a pandemic

my uncle wanted me to get some
so yeah

Save your money? Invest in the stock market when it bottoms out?

im good for now but thanks

Only thing I’ve bought this pandemic was a 260$ hoodie from TH for 70$

i have a hoodie that i can just wash

Yeah sure but its super cheap so why not

my hoodie was a gift for my birthday

Everything you want will be super cheap so you should buy it now (including stocks)

The only thing that you shouldn’t buy is the stuff people are panic buying

Take as much advantage from this pandemic as possible

You will be very well-off if you invest in the stock market when it hits bottom

the only thing i’ve bought in the pandemic was a hacky sack from amazon

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and this is just so that i can keep active in isolation

again i have a different viewpoint
but thanks

I don’t know how you can have an different viewpoint when its objective fact

Buy Low, Sell High

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I have to wait til Tuesday now. Fuck :frowning:

I been looking so forward to this :frowning:

can’t you buy digital still?

this is precisely why i pre-ordered from best buy and am just going to pick it up in person

and why i always go physical pickup for games i want to play on release day