54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

This is one of the times where it’s paying off to be effective at developing and maintaining online friendships but an utter failure at the same with IRL friendships (like me)

why not both

it was more a remark that what i said is preferrable to the antithesis
of course both is better but i have aspergers so the latter can never really be feasible for me


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I bought for corona… a puzzle. A 2000 pieces puzzle. Keeps you sane in case you have to self-quaranteen.
No need to panic. Go outside, but do not meet with other people. Keep distance.


This is the best piece of advice I’ve seen.
I am currently in the midst of self-quarantine thanks to areas around us being a hot-zone and I can tell you that overestimating and underestimating this virus are going to be the things that kill us.

Try not to overbuy, and try not to underbuy.

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Surprised there isn’t a Coronavirus class in the GI thread yet tbh.

Because professionals have standards


as if we’re professionals

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No, but I’d like to imagine we wouldn’t make a corona role just because corona

haha people are dying haha


i have succeeded at the funny


anyway so i’ve decided i’m going to learn the rules to DnD, read Wolf Hall, beat an old friend at correspondencde chess, and probably do some over cool stuff

the reason for the DnD thing is that my friends at school have an ongoing DnD campaign in which currently, one of them is trapped inside of a shitty pebble, one of them is fighting a nigh-invincible revenge-fuelled man on performance-enhancing magic, and they were nearly defeated by a pile of coins

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Animated Objects are no joke

actually the pile of coins were baby mimics

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from what i gather the DM made a chest really obviously a Mimic, then had them open it to find that it’s seemingly a real chest, only to find out that the actual Mimic was the coins inside the chest, who were simply mimics that hadn’t grown up yet


i feel like its bound to happen

Murderous Money



fucking evolve stick

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