54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

It’s not that good as a turn 6 (at best turn 5) combo

Reason why hare + evolve was stupid was that it could come down on turn 4 ALONGSIDE a mogu

look i’m sure there’s some dumb combo that will show up for evolve stick

It might enable a token shaman since it’s two evolves on a stick (way better than the DK from back in the day)
But I don’t think aggro decks work as long as demon hunter has 5 mana deal 4 damage to all

People will figure out something I’m sure
Akama makes me want to die though

Permanent stealth in the class that can tutor for their good card

That’s bad it always gives trash tier evolved with battle cry

Cuz it’s Card game

it… doesn’t?

it’s more that i hate that an evolve stick exists

90% times I Used something that evolved it did

that’s bias in terms of evolution
but i do agree that evolve is bad because it’s highly swingy and not in a particularly entertaining way
sometimes you jsut like
evolve into a y’shrajj
and there’s nothing your opponent can do about it

lol imagine playing games with other people

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skribblio anyone

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It’s like 11:59 PM here.

And, as I was typing this it has now become midnight.

So yeah good morning guys.

u still down 2 skribbl @sulit

Yah sure

