54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

and then he turns himself into a pickle

Dex is higher dansgame

Paladin shift feels right tbh

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why’s that

wubba lubba dub dub

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funniest shit I’ve ever seen

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I like martial casters more now

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Screen Shot 2020-03-21 at 9.18.55 PM

lul these are aretes


arete be irl minmaxing

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How do you even play that Dungeons and Dragons game?
Why do people like it?

its pretty fun

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@katze I’d just like to say that divinity surged through me once I saw your name.
I can tell that you will be an excellent host and the game will be extraordinarily fun.

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I mean, I’ve never seen it be played or know how to play it.

it’s not hard



I took it too

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I’m average or above average in all my stats pog. Gonna go take a quiz that’s just for stats now

Arete: min-maxing

Derps: max-maxing



when a cow sees something funny