54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Only a fool speaks in off topic.

We are all fools on the inside

Therefore: Ghost town 1 was the right thing to do.


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I would disagree but you seem smart so I have to agree against my will.


@Icibalus beat that

you are my champion
am i not entertained?

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Glad to see you approve unconditionally. Icibalus thus officially loves and supports fool’s and thus also the Jester class and we should only use them from now on

wait no shit nononoonoonowaitnoooooooooooo

Icibalus has died. He was:



Mafia Big Nerd

[There should be some abilities here, but ici is such a nerd he made himself flipless. Haaave fun with that]

You win when the Mafia outnumber the town AND all Fools/Jesters in the game, should there be any, are dead. You may not share this alternate goal with anyone.

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Wait if you hate jester so much for it punishes Town for lynching scum, the conclusion is to add a town jester that always kills one Town when lynched.

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All of it?


Does it kill ALL of the town?

Also the town jester is aka hunter.

(Get it he always kills town)

Only one

Wait why can’t we have a mafia jester that kills mafia when hung as the same as town.


If so that needs to be a passive secretly applied to everyone to make FoL finally balenced

Nah we need a class that kills all the BD and it has to be a day ability that can be used D1

Only then is it balanced.

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And by that I mean if anyone is ever lynched for any reason then all town die.

BD are fine tho

Also make it prince and make the ability compulsive


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Wait would a game mode with mafia jesters and town jesters work?

No because Jesters are neutral by definition