54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute



i realise none of you have ever seen my face or heard my voice and i intend to keep it that way
but still

is that the cursed minecraft parody of take on me

I dont know what to mine

ill mine this anyways

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yes it is

search “mine diamonds” on the youtubes

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Arete can’t possibly not know take on me


I refuse to believe it

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i swore off minecraft parodies after The Incident when I started singing Revenge perfectly when I was like… 9? when DJ’s Got Us Falling In Love Again ended up on the radio

So did I

maybe they’ve heard it but just don’t know the name

i like in mine diamonds you can hear the dad go “shut the fuck up”


or maybe just “shut up”

but its there

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nobody born more than a year after its’ release has ever not heard Take On Me

anything otherwise would subvert the fundamental rules of reality

Alright guys,


Im doing ‘Take On Me’ now,

alright. I, I really, I really this song,

it sounds good

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That’s your dad in the background

i dont got the lungs to produce 8-second screams like that kid

He heard you listening to it and thought it was u

i wear headphones 5head

do you think i want my parents hearing what i listen to lmfao